Monday, October 27, 2008


burning the candle at both ends, they say?
lighing my room with my flame
if only i could harvest the energry
of my past so my present won't combust
exhausted we lie side by side by side
the sweat of our skin tastes like frustration
like struggle
like waiting
like wanting...
my tomorrow i give to you
the hours drip by as i hold you
try and make you grow into the beautiful mother you are
we nurse our wounds together
painted into the corner of human history
you are painted old
there are cracks in your plaster
bleeding like a virgin who was torn
torn like treaties
and you still cry
people come from miles around
to harvest your tears
no trespassing
exhausted we lie side by side by side
starting at your art and tracing
the life line on the palm of your hand
it feels rought
like skin
like love
like wanting
lighting your face with my flame
as the wax seals my footsteps touching yours

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